The Peacemaker's Cross


12x8 Ash

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9 NOW WITH GOLD LINES BETWEEN STRIPES! NO EXTRA

Made of Solid Ash. This cross is finished with a deep ebony stain and royal blue. It is now finished to a semi-gloss sheen. I will apply gold between the stripes upon request.

The Peacemaker’s cross was first requested by a Police Officer’s wife. It was made to honor our law enforcement who put their lives in God’s hands every time they put on the uniform.

A highly respected Colonel I know who flew countless missions in War time said he couldn’t be paid a million dollars to do what our Officers and Deputies do. And they aren’t paid a million dollars. They do the job for lower middle class pay and don’t bat an eye.

We sleep in peace at night because they are out there holding the line.

God Bless our Heroes in Blue.

If you would like the back of this cross to be engraved. Please click the link below go to the Personal Engraving page after adding this cross to your cart. There is an engraving form to be filled out there. Engraving is up to 38 characters for $7. <ENGRAVING PAGE LINK

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