The "From Within" Cross in Purple Heart

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12x6.5 Purple Heart

Almost all of the crosses that I’ve designed have been inspired by something that I have gone through personally. The From Within Cross is no different. When going through a difficult journey and wondering where God was, I realized that He was there all along. The Holy Spirit was with me and all I needed to do was look within and see that He was listening and guiding my steps the entire time. See the video with the From Within Cross in Maple.

This From Within cross is made of a rare and exotic wood named Purple Heart. I limit the amount of these made each year and I only use certified/legally harvested Purple Heart from South America. When freshly sanded Purple Heart has a brown hue. After being sanded I burn the edges to seal in the oils. I then allow the Lord’s sunlight to bring the oils to the surface which gives the wood this beautiful Plum then Purple color. After 2-3 days of sunbathing I then seal and finish the top and sides.

This cross will darken more in your home when exposed to uv light.

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The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.

Romans 8:11 NLT